Atlas of Veterinary Fungi

Atlas of Veterinary Fungi

Regular users of the online version of the Atlas of Clinical Fungi may have noticed that we are also working on an Atlas of Veterinary Fungi. Quite likely you were not aware of the fact that the Australian platypus seems to have a single etiologic agent, Mucor amphibiorum; that bony fish are infected by melanized fungi but sharks by Fusarium; that some breeds of dogs are exceptionally at risk for Penicillium and Talaromyces infections; or realized the prevalence of Aspergillus and mucoralean infections in ruminants. Note also the large difference of the pathogen spectra between cats and dogs, and donkey histoplasmosis which differs from regular Histoplasma infections by initiating with subcutaneous nodules, which are remarkably similar to African histoplasmosis in humans by the variety duboisii.

The basic idea of the veterinary Atlas is the same as in the clinical Atlas: as complete as possible, densely referenced, and updatable with latest developments. But here the focus is on the diseases; photoplates show the respective infections in the animals. The etiologic agents have already been described in the clinical Atlas, and all information can be found (phenotype, pathology, antifungals …) by a simple click on the name. In the future we plan to print the Atlas in bookform, because we notice that also for the clinical Atlas there is much interest in a printed version, but for both books the references are provided only in electronic form.

At this moment the number of finished chapters is still modest, but more material, such as on birds and reptiles, is in preparation and should appear later this year. We are also working on general chapters, such as on histopathology and therapy.

The veterinary chapters can be found at, click Atlas of Veterinary Fungi in the menu bar at the right. We aim to cover fungal diseases in all vertebrates. We are searching for volunteers to cover the entire vertebrate diversity, particularly focusing on wild animals. If you are interested, just send a mail to, you are very welcome!

  • Mycoses of Osteichtyes and Chondrichthyes (ray and cartilaginous fishes) by Sybren de Hoog, Abdullah Al-Hatmi and Kittipan Samerpitak.
  • Mycoses of Mammalia, Monotremata: Ornithorhynchidae (platypus) by Joanne Connolly.
  • Mycoses of Mammalia, Artiodactyla: Ruminantia and Camelidae (ruminants and camelids) by Henrik Elvang Jensen and Cecile Brandt Becker.
  • Mycoses of Mammalia, Perissodactyla: Equidae (horses and relatives) by Amir Seyedmousavi and Jacques Guillot.
  • Mycoses of Mammalia, Carnivora: Canidae (dogs and relatives) by Jacques Guillot, Patrizia Danesi, Daniel Elad, Amir Seyedmousavi and Sybren de Hoog.
  • Mycoses of Mammalia, Carnivora: Felidae (cats and relatives) by Patrizia Danesi, Jacques Guillot, Ramona Moraru, Amir Seyedmousavi and Sybren de Hoog.

An example of photoplates in Atlas of Veterinary Fungi: fungal diseases in horses.