Mucoromycotina, Mucorales, Choanephoraceae. Genus: CHOANEPHORA
Choanephora infundibulifera (Curr.) Cunningham
Latest update: 18 July 2024
Colony characteristics
Colonies (MEA, 24°C) expanding, floccose, light greyish-brown.
Sporangiophores large, erect, non-septate, slightly narrowed towards the base. Sporangia borne on short irregular branches at the apex of the sporangiophores. Sporangia subspherical, 40-120 µm wide, containing a single or several sporangiospores; when monosporous, ovoidal to fusiform, striate. Sporangiospores ellipsoidal to fusiform, 10-30 × 6-12 µm, brown, with or without thin appendages at both ends.
RG-1, BSL-1. Saprobe on rotten plant material. Max et al. (2024) reported a rhinosinusitis in an AML patient.
Cunninghamia infundibulifera Currey – J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 13: 334, 1873 ≡ Choanephora cunninghamiana Currey – J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 13: 578, 1873 (name change) ≡ Choanephora infundibulifera (Currey) Cunningham, in Saccardo – Syll. Fung., Abellini 9: 339, 1891; type strain: not defined.