Ascomycota, Pezizomycotina, Hypocreales, Nectriaceae. Genus: FUSARIUM
Fusarium suttonianum (Sandoval-Denis & Crous) O’Donnell et al.
member of F. solani species complex
Common synonyms
Neocosmospora suttoniana Sandoval-Denis & Crous
Latest update: 24 October 2024
Colony characteristics
Colonies (PDA, 7 d, 24 °C) reaching 85 mm diam, olivaceous buff, flat, felty to velvety, with radial patches of white aerial mycelium; margins regular; reverse pale greenish yellow; pale sulphur yellow diffusible pigments exuded into the agar.
Hyphae hyaline. Conidiophores inserted on creeping hyphae or arranged in sporodochia. Conidiophores erect, up to 250 μm high, simple or with 1-3 lateral branches. Phialides smooth- and thin-walled, subulate to subcylindrical, (8-)20-60 × 2.5-3.5 μm, with single, minute collarette. Conidia hyaline, obovoidal to clavate, straight or curved, smooth- and thin-walled, with 0-3 transverse septa, 7-21 × 3-6 μm, mostly aggregating in heads. Sporodochia formed on carnation leaves, cream to rosaceous, consisting of densely packed conidiophores measuring 40-60 μm. Sporodochial conidia falcate, with papillate basal cell, 5-6-septate, hyaline, thick- and smooth-walled, 6-septate conidia up to 75-85 × 7-8 μm. Chlamydospores abundant, thick-walled, coarsely roughened, sub)spherical, 5-9 μm diam, solitary or in chains, terminal or intercalary. Sexual state unknown.
RG-1, BSL-1. The species was originally described from clinical samples (Sandoval-Denis & Crous, 2018). Goggin et al. (2023) reported a chronic infection in a patient with STAT3 inherited immunodeficiency.
Species complex
Clinically relevant members of the F. solani complex are: F. falciforme, F. keratoplasticum, F. metavorans, F. petroliphilum, F. pseudensiforme, F. solani and F. suttonianum.
Sandoval-Denis & Crous (2018).
Neocosmospora suttoniana Sandoval-Denis & Crous – Persoonia 41: 123, 2017 ≡ Fusarium suttonianum (Sandoval-Denis & Crous) O’Donnell, Geiser & Aoki, in Aoki, Geiser, Kasson & O’Donnell – Index Fungorum 440: 4, 2020.