Terminology used in this Atlas is explained below. The reader is also referred to the Dictionary of the Fungi (Hawksworth et al., 1995). For descriptive terms in morphology, the Illustrated Dictionary of Mycology (Ulloa & Hanlin, 2000) is recommended. Diagram of used shape terminology
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – K – L – M – N – O – P – R – S – T – U – V – W Y Z
Glossary – C
caespitose – arranged in groups together.
capilliconidia – plural of capilliconidium, slender propagule with adhesive knob on narrow erect hypha in Entomophthorales.
capilliconidium (plural: capilliconidia) – slender propagule with adhesive knob on narrow erect hypha in Entomophthorales.
capillitium – mass of sterile, thread-like fibers forming the skeleton of the sporangium of Mycetozoa.
capsule – slimy excretion surrounding a cell.
cashewnutshaped – strongly curved with rounded ends.
catenate – in long chains > 3.
catenulate – in short chains of 2 or 3.
caulocystidia – plural of caulocystidium, thin-walled, sterile cell forming a very thin felt on the stem of a mushroom.
caulocystidium (plural: caulocystidia) – thin-walled, sterile cell forming a very thin felt on the stem of a mushroom.
cellulitis – diffuse inflammation of connective tissue of dermal and subcutaneous layers of the skin.
cerebellar signs – inability to coordinate fine motor activities, to perform rapid alternating movements and involuntary leftright eye movements.
cerebriform – brain-like folded colony.
cheilocystidium (plural: cheilocystidia) – sterile, thin-walled cell at the edge of lamella at the downside of the cap of a mushroom.
chlamydospore – swollen, thick-walled resting cell.
christmas treeshaped – with short, right branches at the tip which become longer towards the base.
cigarshaped – cylindrical but gradually becoming narrower towards both ends.
cirrhi – plural of cirrhus, curled slimy conidial mass forced out of pycnidium or perithecium.
cirrhus (plural: cirrhi) – curled slimy conidial mass forced out of pycnidium or perithecium.
clade – group with shared evolution and homologous characters.
clampconnection – hyphal outgrowth in Basidiomycota which, at cell division, makes a connection between the two cells forming a bypass around the septum to allow the migration of a nucleus.
clavate – club-shaped, slender becoming broader towards the rounded apex.
cleistothecia – plural of cleistothecium, closed fruitbody containing asci.
cleistothecium (plural: cleistothecia) – closed fruitbody containing asci.
clubshaped – clavate, cylindrical and broadened towards the end.
coenocyte – multinuclear, nonseptate mycelium.
collarette – cup or funnel-shaped structure at the apex of a phialide, through which the conidia are produced.
colonization – growth on host without host response.
columella (plural: columellae) – sterile central axis of sporangium.
columnar – conidia in Aspergillus formed in dry chains which cohere in columns.
commensal – fungus living on products of the body without invading living tissue.
complex – see species complex.
confluent – growing together, fusing at margins.
conical – triangular, becoming narrower towards the apex.
conidia, plural of conidium – asexual propagule in Asco– or Basidiomycota produced on or in hypha or specialized supporting structure.
conidiogenous cell – cell producing conidium.
conidiogenous loci – plural of conidiogenous locus, exact spot where inflation of the wall appears for the formation of a new conidium.
conidiogenous locus (plural: conidiogenous loci) – exact spot where inflation of the wall appears for the formation of a new conidium.
conidioma – fruitbody containing conidia.
conidiophore – specialized, differentiated hyphal structure bearing conidia.
conidium (plural: conidia) – asexual propagule in Asco or Basidiomycota produced on or in hypha or specialized supporting structure.
coriaceous – with leathery texture.
cottony – loose, fragile aerial mycelium up to 5 mm high.
cranial nerve palsy – loss of movement resulting from damage to cranial nerves or a branch thereof.
crest – longitudinal ridge.
cryptococcoma – abscess in the brain due to Cryptococcus infection, with as main symptoms headache, nausea, vomiting, seizures and diverse manifestations resulting from cerebral and spinal cord compression.
cullulate – hatshaped due to presence of slimy brim at the base.
cuneiform – having the shape of an axe blade.
Cushing’s syndrome – disease characterized by an abnormally high level of ACTH produced by the anterior pituitary gland.
cutaneous mycosis – fungal growth on exposed organs causing tissue damage and with host response.
cylindrical – elongate with parallel lateral walls.
cyst – firm-walled resting cell derived from zoospore.
cystidia – plural of cystidium, large sterile cell in hymenium of Basidiomycota.
cystidium (plural: cystidia) – large sterile cell in hymenium of Basidiomycota.