Glossary – M

Terminology used in this Atlas is explained below. The reader is also referred to the Dictionary of the Fungi (Hawksworth et al., 1995). For descriptive terms in morphology, the Illustrated Dictionary of Mycology (Ulloa & Hanlin, 2000) is recommended. Diagram of used shape terminology


Glossary – M

macroconidia – plural of macroconidium, -septate conidium, in fungi which potentially are able to produce additional 1-celled conidia.

macroconidium (plural: macroconidia) – septate conidium, in fungi which potentially are able to produce additional 1celled conidia.

mating – confrontation of two partners in a sexual process.

meiosis – division of a nucleus containing a double set of chromosomes, each daughter nucleus containing a single set.

meiospore – haploid spore formed after meiosis.

melanized – containing melanine, cells becoming olivaceous or brown.

membranaceous – skinlike fruit body texture, collapsing like a berry when a coverslip is applied.

meningismus – reminiscent of symptomatic meningitis but with little or no inflammation of the meninges.

meningitis – inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord, with as main symptoms fever and chills, mental status changes, headache, neck stiffness, nausea and vomiting and sensitivity to light, and less often agitation, bulging fontanelles, decreased consciousness and irritability.

meningoencephalitis – simultaneous acute or chronic inflammation of the brain and the membranes that cover it.

meristematic – perpetual increase in biomass in all directions, and concordant septum formation.

merosporangium – cylindrical sporangium of Mucorales containing a chain of sporangiospores.

mesoconidia – plural of mesoconidium, conidium produced from polyphialide in Fusarium, taking intermediate size between micro- and macroconidia and mostly lacking foot-cell.

mesoconidium (plural: mesoconidia) – conidium produced from polyphialide in Fusarium, taking intermediate size between micro and macroconidia and mostly lacking footcell.

metula – cell or short branch on vesicle bearing phialides.

microconidia – plural of microconidium, one-celled conidium in fungi which potentially are able to produce additional septate conidia.

microconidium (plural: microconidia) – onecelled conidium in fungi which potentially are able to produce additional septate conidia.

micropore – septal pore of about 10 nm width.

microspore – passively discharched secondary spore of Entomophthorales.

mitosis – nuclear division in which daughter nuclei contain the same number of chromosomes as the mother nucleus

moniliform – coherent chain of spherical cells.

monomitic – in filamentous basidiomycetes: containing generative hyphae with clamp connections only.

monomorphic – having a single form of propagation.

monophialide – phialide with a single opening.

monopodial – with budding at the apical pole of the mother cell only.

monotypic – containing a single species.

monoverticillate – whorl of phialides directly on conidiophore stipe in Penicillium.

multilateral – budding from random positions on mother cell.

muriform – with septa in several directions, like a brick wall.

muriform cell – thickwalled cell which swells and becomes cruciately septate.

mycelia – plural of mycelium, -fungal thallus composed of hyphal threads.

mycelium (plural: mycelia) – fungal thallus composed of hyphal threads.

mycoses – plural of mycosis, symptomatic, clinically visible fungal growth on animal host.

mycosis (plural: mycoses) – symptomatic, clinically visible fungal growth on animal host.

mycotic aneurysm – pocket formed by the dilation or rupture of an artery or vein produced by the growth of microorganisms in vessels walls.

myocarditis – inflammation of the muscular portion of the heart.

myxamoeba – zoospore of Mycetozoa after becoming amoebalike.