Terminology used in this Atlas is explained below. The reader is also referred to the Dictionary of the Fungi (Hawksworth et al., 1995). For descriptive terms in morphology, the Illustrated Dictionary of Mycology (Ulloa & Hanlin, 2000) is recommended. Diagram of used shape terminology
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – K – L – M – N – O – P – R – S – T – U – V – W Y Z
Glossary – P
papillate – with small, rounded warts or denticles.
papule – circumscribed, solid elevation of skin varying in size with no visible fluid and may be brown, purple, pink or red in color.
paraphysis – sterile upward growing hyphal element between asci in parallel arrangement inside a perithecium.
paresis – slight or incomplete paralysis.
pathogen – (in ecology) fungus adapted to take advantage of an animal host for its survival and evolution; this concept is potential and refers to species.
pathogen – (in medicine) fungus causing disease; this concept is actual and refers to strains.
pathogenicity – ability of a fungus to cause disease.
pathological reflex – syndrome of abnormal responses to otherwise normal stimuli.
pectinate hypha – hypha terminating with unilateral, comblike outgrowths.
pericarditis – inflammation of the outer lining of the heart.
peridia – plural of peridium, -wall of fruit body.
peridial hypha (plural: peridial hyphae) – thickwalled hypha which composes a network around asci of a gymnothecium.
peridial hyphae – plural of peridial hypha, -thick-walled hypha which composes a network around asci of a gymnothecium.
peridium (plural: peridia) – wall of fruit body.
periphysis – upward directed hypha around opening of pycnidium or perithecium.
periphysoid – hypha of tissue preceding asci and placed between developing asci.
perithecia – plural of perithecium, -spherical fruit body, with apical opening, containing asci.
perithecium (plural: perithecia) – spherical fruit body, with apical opening, containing asci.
phialide – cell with terminal opening through which enteroblastic conidia are produced repetitively.
phialoconidia – plural of phialoconidium, propagule produced from a phialide.
phialoconidium (plural: phialoconidia) – propagule produced from a phialide.
phragmobasidia – plural of phragmobasidium, -basidium subdivided in individual cells by septation.
phragmobasidium (plural: phragmobasidia) – basidium subdivided in individual cells by septation.
phylogeny – reconstruction of routes of evolution.
pimpleshaped – shaped like a small volcano.
plagiotropic – at acute angles.
plasmodia – plural of plasmodium, multinucleate, motile mass of protoplasm in Mycetozoa.
plasmodium (plural: plasmodia) – multinucleate, motile mass of protoplasm in Mycetozoa.
plasmogamy – fusion of cytoplasm during sexual process, the nuclei remaining separate.
pleomorphism – the occurrence of several asexual forms of reproduction, eventually in addition to the sexual one.
pleurocystidia – plural of pleurocystidium, sterile cell on lamella between basidia on the downside of a mushroom cap.
pleurocystidium (plural: pleurocystidia) – sterile cell on lamella between basidia on the downside of a mushroom cap.
polyblastic – one cell producing several holoblastic conidia next to each other.
polyphialidic – one cell having several phialidic openings.
polyphyletic – having arisen in separate evolutionary lines.
progeny – offspring.
propagule – cell or cellular element serving dispersal.
prostatitis – acute or chronic inflammation of the prostate.
pseudochlamydospore (in Fusarium) – thickwalled, hyaline resting cell, intercalary or terminally on hypha.
pseudogymnothecia – plural of pseudogymnothecium, gymnothecium-like fruit-body in Onygenales containing conidia instead of ascospores.
pseudogymnothecium (plural: pseudogymnothecia) – gymnotheciumlike fruitbody in Onygenales containing conidia instead of ascospores.
pseudohypha (plural: pseudohyphae) – string of more or less coherent budding cells.
pseudohyphae, plural of pseudohypha – string of more or less coherent budding cells.
pseudomycelia – plural of pseudomycelium, complex system composed of pseudohyphae.
pseudomycelium (plural: pseudomycelia) – complex system composed of pseudohyphae.
pseudoparenchyma – fungal tissue composed of rounded cells.
pseudopodia – plural of pseudopodium, -protoplasmic process which enables a myxomycete thallus to move.
pseudopodium (plural: pseudopodia) – protoplasmic process which enables a myxomycete thallus to move.
pseudoseptate – cells compartimented but without septa.
pustulate – colony with local hyphal tufts.
pycnidia – plural of pycnidium, spherical fruit body in which conidia are formed.
pycnidium (plural: pycnidia) – spherical fruit body in which conidia are formed.
pycnostroma (plural: pycnostromata) – stroma containing several conidial cavities.
pycnostromata – plural of pycnostroma, -stroma containing several conidial cavities.
pyelonephritis – simultaneous inflammation of the pelvis and kidney tissue.
pyriform – pearshaped, with narrow end down.