Glossary – W-Y-Z

Terminology used in this Atlas is explained below. The reader is also referred to the Dictionary of the Fungi (Hawksworth et al., 1995). For descriptive terms in morphology, the Illustrated Dictionary of Mycology (Ulloa & Hanlin, 2000) is recommended. Diagram of used shape terminology


Glossary – W

warted – with irregular clumps of extracellular material.

waxy – glabrous, somewhat elastic.

woolly – with abundant loose, regular aerial mycelium.

woronin body – electrondense, circular organel at one or both sides of the septal pore of Pezizomycotina, occluding the septum when the cell is damaged.

Glossary – Y

yeast – unicellular growth form, mostly belonging to the Hemiascomycetes, but also to the Basidiomycota and occasionally to the filamentous Ascomycota (‘black yeasts’).

Glossary – Z

zoodeme – mass of independently reproducing cells within a host tissue.

zoonosis – human epidemic with animal origin.

zoosporangia – plural of zoosporangium, sporangium producing zoospores.

zoosporangium (plural: zoosporangia) – sporangium producing zoospores.

zoospore – motile spore with flagella.

zygospore – resting spore resulting from the conjugation of hyphal tips in Zygomycota, in which karyogamy and meiosis takes place.

Diagram of used shape terminology

Diagram of used shape terminology
1. lenticular, lens-shaped; 2. oblate; 3. spherical; 4. subspherical; 5. broadly ellipsoidal; 6. ellipsoidal; 7. ovoidal, egg-shaped; 8. obovoidal, inverted egg-shaped; 9. lacrymoid, tear-shaped; 10. obpyriform, inverted pear-shaped; 11. pyriform, pear-shaped; 12. tadpole-shaped; 13. spathulate, spoon-shaped; 14. cullulate, hat-shaped; 15. limoniform, lemon-shaped; 16. saturnoid; 17. umbonate; 18. rhomboid, kite-shaped; 19. flask-shaped; 20. ampulliform, urn-shaped; 21. clavate, club-shaped; 22. obclavate, inverted club-shaped; 23. doliiform, barrel-shaped; 24. rectangular; 25. cuneiform, axeblade-shaped; 26. cylindrical; 27. bacilliform, narrow cylindrical; 28. linear; 29. filiform, thread-shaped; 30. bullet-shaped; 31. navicular, boat-shaped; 32. fusiform, spindle-shaped; 33. cigar-shaped; 34. lanceolate, rocket-shaped; 35. stringbean-shaped; 36. acicular; 37. subulate; 38. conical; 39. lunate, moon-shaped; 40. falcate, sickle-shaped; 41. uncinate, hook-shaped; 42. cashewnut-shaped; 43. reniform, kidney-shaped; 44. allantoid, sausage-shaped; 45. ossiform, bone-shaped; 46. isthmoid, constricted; 47. rostrate, beaked.