Trichosporon austroamericanum

Basidiomycota, Agaricomycotina, Trichosporonales, Trichosporonaceae. Genus: TRICHOSPORON

Trichosporon austroamericanum Francisco et al.

Latest update: 12 June 2024

Colony characteristics

Colonies (YPG, 7 d, 25°C) growing slowly, cream colored, cerebriform and somewhat raised at the centre, flat with slight fissures in the marginal part.


Hyphae abundant, septate every 15-30 μm, 1.0-2.5 μm wide, locally forming (sub)spherical to ellipsoidal budding cells measuring 2-4 × 1.5-3.0 μm; hyphae later falling apart into long, cylindrical arthroconidia. Appressoria absent. Sexual state unknown.

Differential diagnosis

The species is close to T. inkin but differs by growth at 45°C, no growth with succinate and citrate, and no growth in the presence of 50% glucose, by rDNA IGS and ITS sequences and by Maldi-tof (Francisco et al., 2024).


RG-1, BSL-1. Repeatedly isolated from clinical specimens and from white piedra on human hair; natural habitat being unknown (Francisco et al., 2024).


Francisco et al. (2024).


Trichosporon austroamericanum Francisco, Colombo, Desnos-Ollivier & Hagen, in Francisco, Desnos-Ollivier, Dieleman, Boekhout, Santos, Medina-Pestana, Colombo & Hagen – Mycopathologia 189(43) 11, 2024; type strain: CBS 17435; IGS rDNA = OM472496, ITS rDNA = PP192021.

Antifungal susceptibility

AntifungalMICs rangeStrainsReference
AMB1-87Francisco et al. (2024)
FCZ2-47Francisco et al. (2024)
ISA0.03-0.1257Francisco et al. (2024)
PCZ0.03-0.257Francisco et al. (2024)
VCZ0.03-0.067Francisco et al. (2024)