Case Report 04

Case Report 04

Submitted by Odile Crosaz / Guillot Jacques (

Host animalDog
Case descriptionA 6-year-old, female Yorkshire dog with chronic dermatitis associating extensive alopecia, erythema, lichenification and pruritus evolving for the last two years
Cytology and/or histopathologyArthroconidia on hairs
Geographic origin of the animalFrance
Etiologic agent and identification methodTrichophyton mentagrophytes / Culture on Sabouraud dextrose agar
Applied therapyOral itraconazole (5 mg/kg every day on an alternate week regimen for 5 weeks) and topical miconazole 2% and chlorhexidine 2% (twice a week for 6 weeks)
OutcomeClinical cure obtained six weeks after the beginning of treatment

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